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Student Leadership

Trinity College School is committed to developing leaders of character, purpose and vision.

Every student has the chance to exercise leadership in a formal sense by applying to be a steward. A TCS steward serves the community by assuming responsibility for a particular area or program, such as the school store, our computer labs, library, music rooms, art rooms or athletic facilities. Each year house prefects and house captains, under the direction of the head of house, look after many of the day-to-day student-directed activities running in the house. House prefects often fall in the roles of friend, confidante and advocate. Students may also be invited, due to strong personal skills, to participate in the peer support program where they act as support for their fellow students.

Every year, six to 12 senior students are appointed as school prefects, including two head school prefects. Among their many roles, these students run morale-boosting events and support the younger students. School prefects are important role models and contribute to setting the tone for the year.

In addition to the formalized leadership roles, there are many informal but critical leadership roles that senior students play at the School. TCS's many sports teams, clubs and societies offer students additional opportunities to assume leadership positions.