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Academic Support

The fundamental purpose of the Price Academic Support Centre is to provide guidance, resources and support for teachers and students to help students help themselves. While this sounds like a relatively straightforward task, there are many stepping-stones involved in reaching this goal. One of the most important steps is impressing upon students that we, as a faculty, are very willing to provide additional assistance and support if the student is also willing to put forth a sincere effort. Teaching and learning is a partnership.

Many forms of support

Students are encouraged to identify their areas of need and seek out support. This is done in many ways. Faculty, advisors, heads of house and teachers-on-duty in residence are able to observe students' study practices both in and outside of the classroom. Where students may be having course-specific difficulties, there is academic assistance available, and most often teachers are willing to meet with students out of class time when students approach them in a timely manner. In addition, a range of learning skills seminars are offered throughout the year. Through these additional sessions, students are taught skills in organization, study and test-taking strategies, note-taking and time management.

Individual strategies

If a student's area of need is more pervasive, organizationally based or learning-style centred, the student and his or her advisor can arrange to meet with our director of academic support. The director of academic support will work with the student to identify and implement strategies to help him or her. Recommendations are often also made to teachers and advisors with regard to their ongoing support of the student. In all cases, students are encouraged to advocate for themselves, to take initiative and accept responsibility for their learning. The School is proud to have the Price Academic Support Centre which is a dedicated space for students to work quiety or access support.

A clear picture

In some cases, students may be referred, with permission from parents, to have a psycho-educational assessment completed in order that a clearer picture of the student's learning style is available. Assessments may be performed on-site with our school psychometrist. Should a student arrive at the School with an up-to-date psycho-educational assessment, the director of academic support, with permission of the family and student, coordinates the dissemination of pertinent information and monitors academic progress.