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Green Living Resources


BBC Earth - BBC coverage of the latest news about the planet and its future
HuffPost Green - Huffington Post coverage of the latest green news


Peterborough Green-Up - Get an energy audit for your home
Energy Star - Find and rate energy-saving appliances


The Council of Canadians: Water - Inform yourself on national and global water issues


Northumberland County Farm Fresh Guide - Guide to local farm food
Mercury Calculator - Calculate the amount of mercury in the fish and seafood you eat
SeaChoice - Guide to buying healthy, sustainable seafood


Northumberland County Recycle Right Program - Recycling in Port Hope and area
Northumberland County Hazardous Waste - Disposing of hazardous waste in Port Hope and area

Green Space

Peterborough Green-Up - Provides information on a host of eco-friendly practices, including gardening


Zerofootprint - Calculate your personal carbon footprint and purchase carbon offsets