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GSA leads International Transgender Day of Visibility

On Thursday, March 31st, Trinity College School students joined others worldwide to recognize the International Transgender Day of Visibility. The School’s Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) hosted a non-uniform day, encouraging classmates to wear pink, light blue and/or white – the colours of the transgender flag. GSA also worked to inform the community of the history and significance of this day, which provides an opportunity to celebrate transgender women, men and trans-identifying non-binary people’s contributions and achievements, while also educating ourselves about the human rights issues the trans community continues to face and working for justice.

The International Transgender Day of Visibility was created in 2009 by Rachel Crandall Crocker, an American trans activist. Rachel said, “I was frustrated because the only transgender day of the year was the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is to recognize our brothers and sisters who were killed just because they were trans. I wanted a day where we could celebrate who we are.” Today, this event is honoured annually around the world, including in countries where being transgender is against the law, and the celebration is led by the youth advocacy organization Trans Student Educational Resources.

GSA provided many helpful resource for anyone wishing to learn more about transgender lives and issues:

  • Egale: includes guides about proper use of pronouns, inclusive language and allyship, and accounts of trans lived experiences
  • Toronto Public Library: a book list featuring trans writers, characters and subjects for all ages as recommended by 2SLGBTQ+ library staff, as well as links to past programs featuring trans authors and titles
  • Profiles in Pride: profiles featuring interviews with transgender men and women and their allies
  • Hello Giggles: “12 Trans Women and Non-Binary Activists You Should Have Learned About in History Class”

While the International Day of Transgender Visibility is a day of celebration, it is also a reminder of the significant challenges still faced by the trans community with respect to full access to equal rights. GSA notes, “We want to encourage recognition and celebration of our School’s diverse and vibrant communities and specifically our trans activists for their leadership. We will continue to push for equal rights for all 2SLGBTQ+ communities.”